Status: ✔ MET5 ✘ MET3 ✘ DCT ✘ DCT 10 mm x 10 mm

Welcome to

This website is a portal for managing all communication and information related to your EUREKA shifts at Berkeley Lab. You will use this site to:

  • Submit experimental plans
  • Submit package information (tracking and contents)
  • Discuss, comment, or provide special instructions for your shifts
  • Find documentation on our EUV exposure systems, reticles, and wafer processing equipment.

The documentation and website video tour will help you get started. Our goal is to make your visit and experiment the best it can be.​ ​Our experienced ​staff of scientists, engineers, and technicians​ are here to help you through ​the whole​ ​process, including logistics, experiment design, data analysis, and more. We look forward to working with you.